District N2
Amherst Lions Club
Amherst, Nova Scotia

P.O. Box 241
Amherst, N.S.
B4H 3Z2
Phone: (902) 667-3440
Amherst Lions Club Web Address:
When: 1st Tuesday 7pm (Business) / 3rd Tuesday 6:30pm (Dinner) - 72hrs notice required for Dinner meeting.
Where: Amherst Lions Den, 9 Electric Street, Amherst, Nova Scotia
Title Name Office Tel Home Tel
President Steve Butler N/A (902) 667-5825
Secretary Cheryl MacKenzie N/A (902) 483-5936
Membership Chairman J.J. Stevens N/A (902) 660-2636
*Amherst Lions Club email is located at the bottom of the page.
The Amherst Lions Club of Amherst, NS has served the community since 1954. To find out more about us click on one of the menu options or links at the Top of the page.. Interest in Membership contact the Membership Chair listed above.
If interested in Getting or Donating a scooter or Wheelchair please Contact Chair Dan Arsneau at 902-694-9966
Hall Rentals:
Contact Sheryl Siddall at 902-664-1342 or email Please provide contact name and number, also please note that the Hall cannot be booked for Thursdays.
Lions TV and Radio Bingo: Wednesdays 6pm
Eastlink TV - Channel 10
(Amherst/Springhill/Sackville/Port Elgin/Tidnish/River Hebert/Joggins)
Radio CFTA - 107.9 FM
It can also be listen online through CFTA's webpage, click here (or type to go to the page and click the Listen Live Button Then hit the Play Button on the player. .
For Lions TV and Radio Bingo Card locations or prize pick-up locations then choose the Links / Documents Page and click on the "Amherst Lions Club TV and Radio Bingo Cards Locations" document Icon.
Giant Bingo: Thursdays 6:45pm, at the Lions Den
Other Activities / Donations:
Visit the Amherst Lions Facebook Page, click on the Facebook icon on the left side near the top of the page.